Columns in Flutter - Arrange Flutter widgets vertically

Learn the basics of using a Column in Flutter to arrange the layout of your content vertically.

Columns in Flutter - Arrange Flutter widgets vertically
Photo by Amanda Jones on Unsplash

One of the key aspects of creating a beautiful user interface is to learn how to use the fundamental widgets of Flutter. The Column widget is one of the most used widgets to arrange the layout of your components.

What is a Column?

The Column is a fundamental layout widget that allows you to arrange child widgets vertically. If you want to set the order of widgets from top to bottom or the other way around, Column is the widget you need.

For horizontal arrangements, see Row layout widget.

Rows in Flutter - Arrange Flutter widgets horizontally
Understand the basics of using a Row in Flutter to arrange the layout of your content horizontally.
Learn more about Row to arrange widgets horizontally

Implementing a Column

The most important parameter when using a Column is the children property which accepts a list of child widgets to arrange vertically.

Splash screen implemented using a Column
Source code of splash screen

Column properties

On top of the required children parameter, there are other useful properties to keep in mind when using a Column.

Axis Alignment

The mainAxisAlignment property handles the arrangement of the child widgets along the vertical space. Types of arrangement include start, end, center, spaceAround, spaceEvenly and spaceBetween.

On the opposite axis, the crossAxisAlignment property handles the arrangement of child widgets along the horizontal space. Values of this type are start, end, center, stretch, and baseline.

Axis alignment of Columns and Rows in Flutter
Understand the basic properties of Flutter Columns and Rows to arrange the alignment of their child widgets.
Learn more about axis alignments

Vertical Size

By default, Columns stretch vertically as permitted by its parent widget. However, you can override this to only expand according to child widgets' sizes vertically by setting the mainAxisSize to MainAxisSize.min


The last property of a Column is the verticalDirection. This defines whether the widgets should start from top to bottom, or bottom to top.

When to use Columns

The expected use of Columns is to group static widgets vertically. For example, you are designing a card widget that has a title text and a subtitle text. While you can implement this arrangement using other layout widgets such as Stack, it is more straightforward and clear to do so with Columns.

It is important to define your use case when using Columns to avoid unnecessary problems.

Issues with Columns

If you have been writing Flutter apps, you have probably encountered an issue where your Column has increased in size to the point where it overflows out of its parent widget.

An issue with Columns is that it is not scrollable by default. When widgets inside the Column grow bigger, overflow happens.

Overflowing widget at the bottom of the Column

Solution 1: Use Expanded or Flexible

A solution for this issue is to use an Expanded or Flexible layout widget to wrap the big child widgets inside a Column. This makes the child widgets ready to overflow safely when their content is dynamic.

Solution 2: Use a ScrollView

Another way to make a Column scrollable is by wrapping it with a SingleChildScrollView or any widget that lets its child widgets scroll. But in most cases, it is much better to use Column to arrange related widgets vertically instead of making a scrollable screen from it.

Solution 3: Use a ListView

If you are planning to make a screen that is scrollable with dynamic content, check out ListView for displaying a list of similar widgets or better.


We just covered a short introduction to using columns in Flutter. It is important to keep the usage of columns to arrange cohesive widgets vertically. Finally, keep your content adaptable to size constraints by wrapping child widgets with Flexible or Expanded.
