State Management Simpler and Better Flutter State Management with Cubit Learn how to use Cubit to cleanly organise our Flutter codebase to be more readable, scalable, and testable.
UI How to use custom theme colours in Flutter without using Material or Cupertino Theme Learn how to use customized color themes in Flutter with the color_theme_provider package.
Flutter How to use PageView in Flutter Learn how to use PageView in Flutter to display sliding screens and pages.
Flutter Navigation Flutter navigation with go_router package Learn how to use the go_router navigation library in your Flutter app for moving from one screen to another.
Flame Build a simple game with Flutter and Flame Learn how to build a simple game in Flutter by using the Flame package.
News My 2024 Plans and Goals for themobilecoder Coming this 2024 - More articles, a free ebook on Flutter, and an updated Flutter Widget Cheatsheet.
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Beginner Using Future in Flutter - Get comfortable with asynchronous data Learn how to use Future in Flutter and efficiently handle asynchronous data. After reading this post, you should be comfortable enough to implement Future concepts in your projects effectively.
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